Wednesday, November 7, 2012

That's a fact, Jack...

To Rep. John Boehner:

Yes, it's true.  Despite the billions, with a capital "B", spent by your pals in the Right Wingnut underground, America has overwhelmingly rejected the message of hate, mistrust, misogyny and falsehood being puked out by you and your Republican brethren in the Tea-Party-cult...  You cannot hide behind the skirts of the well-paid pundits who have promised you that they would produce an electorate too stupid to care about truth, facts and common sense and allow you to continue down the path of obstructionist politics.  You and your grey-faced table-thumpers are exposed to be the bigoted, know-nothing, perversely anti-American fools that you all know you are, deep in the dark recesses of your narrow minds.

I suppose you can take small comfort that Michelle Bachmann squeezed out the smallest of victories in her attempt to return to the can have coffee together during recess and lick each others wounds...

But take this to the bank, because it's a fact, Jack:  we are all going to be watching you over the next few months, and any attempt to pull the crap you foisted on this country for the 24 months prior to this election will result in a purge, with a capital "P", of your side of the aisle in the House of Representatives.  Just try having another 300+ filibusters, or voting down another Jobs for Veterans bill, and see how fast you are directed to the exit door.

Trust me.  We are watching, and waiting, and eager to fulfill the promise of ridding this country of politicians like you and your fellow Teabag Shaker-dancers who have been whirling like dervishes for the past two years, chanting your mantra of hatred and lies and pseudo-science and bad math.

Enjoy being the Mad Hatter at the party while you can, Speaker Boehner, because your days at the table are numbered.  That's a fact, Jack.