Where would you like it, Mr. Speaker? Your arm, leg? Your head? Your ass (where I would find your head)?
You accuse House Democrats of politicizing the "war on women", when you and your I-was-a-car-salesman-but-now-I'm-a-Congressman Tea Party morons are clearly and openly and proudly waging that war, right out in the open, and on C-Span to boot????
By all means, you Red State Jackoffs, let's cut more money from cancer and STD screenings for women and poor people of both genders, then lets sit back and watch as the uninsured overrun the already flooded ERs for their medical treatment, and lets watch healthcare costs really skyrocket. Great idea.
I know I'm just another (mostly ignored) voice screaming in the forest, but if there is a woman who
sincerely thinks the Republican Party holds anything but disdain for women, the poor, and yes--
the future of this nation, I wish she would respond to this writing and enlighten me. I am at a loss to see it.
It's bad enough that the poor have had to bear the burden of manning our military in this era of
global deployment, and re-deployment, and re-re-deployment. The sin of poor women
disproportionately mourning the deaths of their sons and daughters lost in this nation's military
follies is bad enough; to ask them to bear this pain while dying of ovarian cancer or
heart disease--maladies made treatable by early detection--is a sin of cardinal proportion.
"May you all rot in hell" is the phrase that comes to mind...but I fear that such karmic justice just
may not be in the cards for the evildoers. In the meantime, they want our poor men and women to
rot here on earth, from corrosive disease.
Oh, if only what went around did, indeed, come around...