Bloomberg may have done some good things while
in office as mayor of NYC, but the one thing he did which I find
unforgivable is the feeding frenzy of the rich upon the poor which he
encouraged while in office...
The city of Gershwin, the
city which prompted the visual love poem photography of De Salignac or
Bofinger, the early paintings of Georgia O'Keefe and the cinema of Woody Allen--none as
vivid as the collage of images I carry in my mind and heart, taken
through the camera of my child's eyes--has given way to a
neon/steel/glass temple to the uberwealthy...
All of the "mom
and pop" businesses have been pushed out by Starbucks and Gaps...all of
the 4 and 5 story walk-ups have been torn down to make way for
square-block monoliths, 30 to 40 stories high, blocking out the sun and
driving out the working class which can no longer afford to pay
$1000-$2000 per square foot prices to live there...
Union jobs,
paying living wages and good benefits, are being squeezed out...even
raw materials for construction projects--and the labor on those
projects--is being purchased from China and India in lieu of local
Some say this is "progress"...
I say it is
collusion between the uberrich and the politicians who they have
purchased wholesale; a pact to create a world where they and they alone
can live in comfort, being served by an underclass which must commute to
and from their compounds to wash their laundry and walk their dogs...