Friday, August 16, 2013

All this preoccupation over the "C" word...

No, I'm not speaking about Coulter, or the word used to describe her...and I don't mean "conservative" or "commentator"... the overthrow of Morsi in Egypt a coup, or isn't it a coup? That seems to be preoccupying the entire commentary on the situation in Egypt and our national reaction to it....

Of course it's a frigging the extent that, in the face of intransigence on the part of Morsi and his Theocratic, Iran-sympathizing thugs of the "Muslim Brotherhood" to yield to the people's demands for constitutional reforms, the army stepped in and made him step down. That's a coup...or a revolution backed by the indigenous armed forces. Take your pick.

What's the big deal? "People are dying in the streets"! Yes. In revolutions, people die in the streets. They did in Russia in 1905, and again in 1917, and for decades thereafter (not in the streets, but in gulags)...they did in France in 1787, and again in 1832...and then the French killed people in the streets of Algeria a century later... Name a revolution--and I am not even going to try to enumerate the incidents of revolutionaries dying in the streets, the mud puddles, the barrios of Africa or South America--name ONE revolution where people did not die, by the, women, children...and worst of all animals--who never asked to be part of this crap...

Wake the f*ck up, kiddies... Gandhi's revolution of peace gave way to what amounted to virtual genocide in India and Pakistan... Things get dirty and nasty when people revolt, and when the other side of the argument really gets pissed they start shooting. Then people shoot back. Hatfield and McCoy, times infinity.

Wanna really, and I mean REALLY have something to get your knickers in a twist about? Hmmm? It could happen here. Yep, right here in Mayberry, Opie...

When Theocrats raise their ugly heads above the water-line, and start to infiltrate the air with their putrid stench of intolerance and bigotry, and that stench starts to permeate the body politic, that's when things get ugly.... And things here in Mayberry are getting pretty pungent....

Theocracy is arsenic to Democracy. It is kryptonite to the superpower of the plurality. It's what brought down the French monarchy--in a staunchly Catholic brought down the Romanoffs--in a nation virtually ruled by the Russian Orthodox Church... The realization of the poisonous nature of Theocracy is what prompted our founding fathers--you know, the boys Bachmann and Palin are so fond of misquoting?--to make damned sure that Church and State would remain separate...

But now, all bets are off. Under the guise of a "democratic process", the Machiavellian Masters of Koch/ALEC have seen the light....they have infiltrated our legislatures with Right Wing Regressive pseudo-Christians, with an agenda devoted to creating an America carved in the image of the KKK, merged with a sprinkling of the Taliban...marching us inexorably towards a bible-thumping, woman-hating, race-baiting, serfdom where the Plutocrats will reign supreme...all hail the conquering, White Supremacist, misogynist Oligarchs...

Do you really think this will not lead to something very ugly here? Do you really think that "No Justice, No Peace" rallies will move them? Do you really, and I mean REALLY think that all the brutality they are starting to demonstrate to the peaceful opposition they are encountering in Wisconsin, Ohio, North Carolina or Florida is as far as they will go? And do you really think that those of us who have lived through the battlefields of Vietnam, or Iraq, or Afghanistan...or the battlefields of the civil rights movement of the 1960s...are going to go quietly into that "good night"???

So, please kiddies...wake the f*ck up and stop thinking that this is just some reality show, something that you can flip the channel and avoid...Big Brother or Survivor Raleigh...

It's real life...

and it's your asses on the line...