Tuesday, April 3, 2012

From my cold dead hands...

Watching the "progressive" cable channel "Current"--a documentary on the guns being used by the Mexican drug cartels which are purchased here in the US...mostly at "gun shows" without any type of background check or documentation...and hearing the comments of the "gun lobby" about not constricting our SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS (which have to do with militias, not individuals) to curtail the murders in Juarez...

I am so sick to death of hearing this "2nd amendment" argument as an excuse for our flooding our streets, and those of neighboring countries, with automatic weapons...  Seven dead in Oakland yesterday...five wounded in Mississippi...Thirty-five dead in one swoop in Juarez...  "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" is the most lame of all the platitudes mouthed by these John-Wayne-wannabes...  The NRA with its nearly-billion-dollar lobbying is the most insidious organization since the SS...

I think it's ironic that the AK-47, the favorite weapon of my friends in the NLF who (luckily) shot at us with bad aim in Nam, is the sweetheart weapon of the NRA right here at home.  Thanks to those cretins, we are more likely to be killed here than we were flying over the DMZ...  Thanks, guys.  Love you, too...

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